About MaConDa


Current release

Release 1.0, September 2012
- The first official release of MaConDa.



If you use MaConDa in your work, please cite:
Ralf J. M. Weber, Eva Li, Jonathan Bruty, Shan He & Mark R. Viant (2012). MaConDa: a publicly accessible Mass spectrometry Contaminants Database. Bioinformatics, doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/bts527.



We thank both the British Heart Foundation (PG/10/036/28341) and UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EP/J501414/1) for support, as well as the University of Birmingham’s Systems Science for Health initiative.


Thanks & Acknowledgements

We gratefully thank our colleagues and instrument manufacturers who provided us with experimental MS contaminant data.



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